Professional Services
Certification Courses
Consulting & Coaching Services
Hiring & Training Solutions
Referral Partner Registration
Referral Lead Submission
Industry Speaking Request
Culinary Entrepreneurship Signature Program
The Culinary Management Company
Professional Services
Certification Courses
Consulting & Coaching Services
Hiring & Training Solutions
Referral Partner Registration
Referral Lead Submission
Industry Speaking Request
Culinary Entrepreneurship Signature Program
Client Business Assessment
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Business Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Describe building type, facilities etc.
What do you or your company specialize in or is known for? Is this what you want you or your company to be known for?
Do you or your company have a slogan? If so, what is it?
Do you or your company have a logo? If so, provide a copy or an example of it.
Social Media Handles (links to pages)
Legal Structure of Company (C-Corp, LLC, S-Corp etc.)
Years in business
Number of Employees
Will more employees be hired?
Have profits been earned yet?
Is there a standardized pricing structure in place for products and/or services?
If "Yes" was selected what is the pricing structure used?
Have you or your company broken even yet?
How is your business marketed?
Is there a marketing budget?
If you have a marketing budget, how much is it? How is it allocated?
How are business fund allocated? (ex. 60/40 split)
If training is not provided please explain the reason for this decision
What training would you like to offer to your employees?
Does your company offer professional development incentives?
Are you where you would like to be in life personally?
Are you where you would like to be in life professionally?
What is your greatest personal and professional attribute?
What is your greatest personal and professional downfall?
How do you desire The Culinary Management Company to empower you and/or your business to succeed?
Thank you!